Dayanita Singh
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Dayanita Singh è nata a New Dehli (India) nel 1961. Vive e lavora a New Dehli.
Selected Solo-Exhibitions
Museum Bhavan, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo
Dayanita Singh: Museum of Shedding, Frith Street Gallery, London
Dayanita Singh: Museum of Machines, Fondazione MAST, Bologna, Italy
Dayanita Singh: Books Works, Goethe Institut – Max Mueller Bhavan, New Delhi
Go Away Closer, MAMM, Moscow, Hayward Touring
Museum of Chance-A book story MMB, Delhi
Museum of Chance-A book story, MMB, Mumbai
Go Away Closer, MML Frankfurt, Hayward Touring
City Dwellers: contemporary Art from India, Seattle Art Museum, WA
Art Institute Chicago, Chicago
Venice Biennale 55th International Art Exhibition, German presentation at the French Pavilion, Giardini, Venice
Dayanita Singh, Monuments of Knowledge, King’s India Institute, KCL, Londra
Dayanita Singh, Nature Morte, New Delhi
House of love, Peabody Museum, Boston
Dayanita Singh, Museum of Modern Art, Bogota
Dayanita Singh, Museum Voor Fotografie, Amsterdam
Dayanita Singh, Mapfre Foundation, Madrid
Blue Book, Nature Morte Delhi
Blue Book, Galerie Mirchandani and Steinruecke, Bombay
Dream Villa, Frith Street Gallery
Go Away Closer, Kriti Gallery, Banaras
Go Away Closer, Gallerie Steinruecke + Mirchandani Bomaby
Beds and Chairs, Gallery Chemould, Bombay
Go Away Closer, Rencontres-Arles, Arles
Chairs and Beds, Valentina Bonomo Artecontemporanea, Roma
Chairs, Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum, Boston
Chairs, Frith Street Gallery, London
Chairs, Studio Guenzani, Milano
Les Recontres d’Arles Festival, Arles
Privacy”, National Galerie im Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlino*
Myself Mona Ahmed, Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlino
Dayanita Singh:Image/Text (Photographs 1989-2002) Department of Art and Aesthetics, Jawahar
Lal Nehru University, New Dehli
I am as I am, Myself, Mona Ahmed, Scalo Galerie, Zurigo
Parsees at home, Gallery Chemould, Bombay
Bombay to Goa, Kalaghoda Festival, Bombay
Bombay to Goa”, Art House India, Goa
Empty Spaces, Frith Street Gallery, Londra
Dayanita Singh, Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Bruxelles
Demello Vado, Saligao Institute, Arrarim, Saligao,Goa
I am as I am, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham
Family Portraits, Studio Guenzani, Milano
Mona Darling, Venezia Immagine, Venezia
Another India, Crealde School of Art, Orlando, Florida
Family Potraits, Nature Morte, New Dehli
Images from the ‘90s, Scalo, Zurigo
Selected Group Exhibitions
15th Istanbul Biennial, curated by Elmgreen & Dragset, Istanbul
10 years old, Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Foro Boario, Modena
An Imagined Museum: Works from the Centre Pompidou, the Tate, and MMK, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
The Humble Vessel, The New Art Gallery Walsall, Walsall
Suitcase Museum and Kitchen Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia for the 20th Biennale of Sydney
Museum of Chance –Book Object, Dhaka Art Summit, Bangladesh
Constructs/Constructions, Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, New Delhi
After midnight: Indian Modernism to Contemporary India 1947/1997, Queens Museum, New York
Whorled Explorations: Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2014, Kochi
Silver, Frith Street Gallery, London
Reading, Finding Words: Art After Marcel Broodthaers, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Reading Cinema, Finding Words: Art After Marcel Broodthaers, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
City Dwellers: Contemporary Art from India, Seattle Art Museum Seattle
Difficult Loves, The Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, New Delhi
Poses and Views, Nature Morte, Berlin
10th parallel north. Contemporary Photography from India and South America, Ex Ospedale Sant’Agostino, Modena
The Nerves Under Your Skin, Nature Morte-The oberoi, Gurgaon
Indian Highway, Ullens Center, Beijing
The Unseen, The Fourth Guangzhiu Triennal
Magic moments, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Pink Caviar and Two Days, Art Louisiana Museum of Modern Art Copenhagen
The 7th Asia Pacific Triennal of Contemporary Art (APT7), Queensland Art Gallery
10th Parallel North, Contemporary Photography from India and South America, Ex Ospedale Sant’Agostino, Modena
The nerves Under Your Skin, Nature mORTE, the Oberoi Gurgaon
Dayanita Singh, 54th Venice Biennale
Paris Delhi Bombay, Pompidou Centre, Paris
Face Contact, Photo Espania, Madrid
Contact, Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto
Indian Highway, MAC, Lyon Museum
Today Museum, Beijing
Indian Highway, Serpentine Gallery, London
Indian Highway, Astrup Museum, Oslo
Blue series, Manifesta 7, Bolzano
Go away Closer, Gwangju Biennale
Indian Highway, Serpentine Gallery, London
Private/Corporate, Sammlung Daimer Chrysler, Berlin
Aparanta, Goa
Horn Please, Kunstmuseum, Berne
Go Away Closer/Sent a Letter, Rencontres d’Arles photographic festival
Subcontingente, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino
Edge of Desire, recent Art in India, Queens Museum of Art and the Asia Society, New York
Presence, Sepia International, New York
Frith Street Gallery, London
Architektur der Obdachlosigkeit, Pinakothek der Moderne, Monaco
The Family, Windsor Gallery, Florida
Red Light, Australiano Center for Photography, Sydney
Kapital und Karma, Aktuelle Positionen indischer Kunst, Kunsthalle, Vienna
Bollywood – Das indische Kino und die Schweiz, Museum für Gestaltung, Zurigo
Banaras: the Luminous City, Asia Society, New York
Photo Sphere, Nature Morte, New Dehli
Century City, Tate Modern, London
Another Girl, Another Planet, Greenberg Gallery, New York
Inferno and Paradiso, BildMuseet Umea, Svezia
Worlds of Work – Images of the South, Musée d’ethnographie, Ginevra
La Filature, Mulhouse, Francia
Another India, Crealdé School of Art, Orlando, Florida
India: A Celebration of Independence, Philadelphia Museum of Modern Art,
Philadelphia; mostra itinerante, successivamente a: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts,
Richmond; Indianapolis Museum of Art; Knoxville Museum of Art; Chicago Cultural
Center; Royal Festival Hall, London; National Gallery of Modern Art, New Dehli and
Bombay; Victoria Memorial, Calcutta; Lalit Kala Akademie, Madras
India: A Contemporary View, Asian Arts Museum, San Francisco
Out of India, Art of the South Asian Diaspora, Queens Museum of Art, New York
India – A Celebration of Independence, 1947-1997”, Philadelphia, Museum of Fine
Art, Philadelphia