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KCHO (Alexis Leyva Machado) è nato nel 1970 a Nueva Gerona, Isla de la Juventud (Cuba).
Vive e lavora a La Habana.
Extraño dìa en la Playa. Centro de las Artes de San Augustìn. Oaxaca. México
Via Crucis. Chancellery Palace of the Vatican, Holy See, Rome, Italy
The Thinker. Contemporary Art Space “The Ship”, Kcho Studio Romerillo
Laboratory for Art, Havana, Cuba
Final Monument, Tega Gallery, Milan, Italy
Cuba, Nice to meet you. National Museum of Brasil, Brasilia, Brasil
Between Melancholy and the construction of the new man. 11 Biennal of Havana, Fortaleza
San Carlos de la Cabana, Havana, Cuba
Sacrifice at the Crossroads. Great Theater of Havana, Havana, Cuba
Lives and allows live, Martha Machado Gallery, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba
Anchored by a dream, Museum 26-7, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Monumento Final. Palacio Grimani. 54 Venice Biennal, Italy
Entre la Pietra, el Metal y la Madera. La Jiribilla, Havana, Cuba
Obras Recientes (Ouvres récentes). Malborough Gallery, Monaco
Vision Nocturna. Malborough Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Vive y deja vivir. Parque Linea y L, La Habana, Cuba
Kcho: Cadena de reunificaciòn familiar, Malborough Chelsea, New York United States.
El quaderno del ombre de los pies de barro, Juan Ruiz Galeria, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Retrasando lo inevitabile, Galeria Marlborough, Madrid
Liegò el cubano, Galeria Alonso Carces, Bogotà, Colombia
Paso de los Vientos, Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona
Vive y deja vivir, IX Bienal de La Habana, Plaza Vieja y galeria La Casona, La Habana
La nave de Kcho, Castillo de Santa Barbara, Patronato Municipal de Alicante, España
Kcho - Otras palabras, Arte y Naturalezza, Madrid
Kcho – Casa 5 – Las Playas Infinitas, Kunsthalle Attersee, Attersee, Austria
Pocas palabras, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Estudio abierto, Galeria Juan Ruiz, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Capacidad de asombro, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela
Núcleos del tempo, Galeria Villa Manuela, UNEAC, La Habana
Archipiélago, Galeria Juan Ruiz, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Archipiélago, VIII Bienal de La Habana
La Jungla, GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Torino
El Huracán, Museo de la Escultura, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Para Olvidar, Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo
Kcho. Dibujos. Galeria 106, Austin,Texas
En el mar no hay nada escrito, Galeria Fundación Havana Club, La Habana, Cuba
25 Piedras. Exposición de litografias, Encuentro del Grabado, 2001, La Habana, Cuba
Kcho, Galerìa Joan Guaita Art, Palma de Mallorca, Spagna
El dibujo es el soporte de la idea, Fiesta de la Cultura Iberoamericana. Centro de Arte de Holguìn, Cuba
El dibujo es el soporte de la idea, Galerìa Pequeño Espacio, Consejo Nacional de las
Artes Plásticas, La Habana, Cuba
En el mar no hay nada escrito. Dibujos y Litografías, Galería Martha Machado,
Nueva Gerona, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba
La Columna Infinita, Museo National Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid*
Drawings, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York
Para Olvidar, Convento de San Francisco de Asís, VII Bienal de la Habana, Cuba
Instalaciones, Tel Aviv, Israel
Kcho, Atelier Calder Tours
Kcho – B.Nauman, M.C.A., Chicago
Kcho – Giuseppe Gabellone, Studio Guenzani, Milano
Kcho, Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris*
Regen Projects, Los Angeles
Hablar de lo evidente nunca fue para nosotros un placer, The Israel Museum, Billy Rose Pavilion, Jerusalem, Israel*
Todo cambia, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles*
Para olvidar, Centre international d’Art contemporain de Montreal*
Barbara Gladstone, New York
Studio Guenzani, Milano
Cuba. Tatuare la storia, PAC, Milano
The 1st Biennal South Panama. Figali Convention Center, Panama City
First Biennal of India, Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2012, Kochi-Kerala, India
Bola Viva, Pintura Cubana de Hoy. (Live ball, Cuban Painting) Barranquilla, Cartagena, Santa Marta, Monterai, Bogotà, Colombia.
HB, 11 Biennal of Havana. Great Theatre of Havana, Cuba
Living in Havana, Malborough Chelsea, New York, United States
10th Havana Biennal: Integration and Resistance in the Global Age, Wilfredo Lam Contemporary Art Center
Aquì Estamos, Projects Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
Coleccion Julian Vinas, La Casa della Cultura “Jose Saramago” de Albacete, Albacete, Spain
El Papel en el Arte, la Casa Molino de Angel Gavinet, Granada, Spain
I Have a Dream: an International Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr., The Gabarron Foundation Carriage House Center for the Arts, New York, United States.
Summer Exhibition, Malborough Chelsea, New York, United States
Summer Exhibition, Malborough Gallery, New York, United States
Text/Messages: books by Artist, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Latin American Masters, Marlborough New York, New York, NY
NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island
Summer Show 2008, Marlborough Chelsea, New York, NY
Group Show, Marlborough Chelsea, NY
Surrounded by Water: Expressions of Freedom and Isolation in
Contemporary Cuban Art, Boston University Art Gallery – BUAG, Boston, MA
Paysages Urbains, Galerie Samuel Lallouz, Montreal, QC
Untitled, Galleria Raffaella Cortese, Milano
Un Fair/trade – Die Kunst der Gerechtigkeit – Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Il Futuro del Futurismo – GAMeC – Galleria d´Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, Bergamo
Out of Time – A Contemporary View – MoMA – Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Restos: Estudio Arteológico – Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Puerto Rico – MAC, San Juan
Le cinque anime della scultura – Cesac – Centro Sperimentale per le Arti Contemporanee, Caraglio
Visiones del paraiso – Utopias, Distopias, Heterotopias – Espacio 1414, Santurce
Cuba Avant-Garde: Contemporary Cuban Art from the Farber
Collection – Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL
jos de mar – IVAM – Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Valencia
Raumfüller – Rudolf Budja Galerie / Artmosphere Salzburg, Salisburg
1° Bienal del Fin del Mundo – Ushuaia 2007, Ushuaia
Manual de Instrucciones, IX Bienal de La Habana, Centro Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museologia, La Habana, Cuba
Pictores Pictoresque V, Galeria Joan Guaita Art, Palma de Mallorca, España
Cita con Angeles. Memorial, José Martí, La Habana, Cuba
Cuatro Artistas cubanos. Centro Cultural de España. San José, Costa Rica
La Jungla, Openasia Lido di Venezia, Venezia
Sentido Comun. Galeria La Habana, Cuba
Grafica Contemporanea Cubana, Fundacion Casa de America Latina, Budapest
Pintura Cubana de Hoy. Fundación Guayasamín. Quito. Equador
Lo que ves no est odo lo que hay. Galería Habana, Mexico
Exposición de Grabados Cubanos, Galería Casa ABN AMOR, Penang, Malaysia
31 Artistas cubanos contemporáneos en Chile, Galería Borde Río, Santiago, Cile
Blanco y Negro, Pan American Gallery, Dallas
Suite Europa 2002. La Habana, Cuba
Estructuras similares a los ojos de la Historia. I Bienal de Valecia, España.
IV Bienal del Caribe.
Museo de Arte Moderno, Santo Domingo, Repubblica Dominicana
Caleidoscopio. Teatro Nacional, La Habana, Cuba
Visiones de la Caridad. Museo de la Américas, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Over the Edges, Gent, Belgique
Erresistentziak/Resistencias, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, S. Sebastian, Spagna*
Dapertutto 48 Biennale di Venezia *
Kunstwelten im Dialog, Museo Ludwig, Colonia, Germania
Kunst aus Cuba, Kusthalle Wien, Austria
Mostrato, Fuori Uso 98, a cura di Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, Mercati Ortofrutticoli, Pescara
Everyday: 11th, Sidney Biennale, Sidney
Crossing, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
Contemporary Art from Cuba: Irony and Survival on the Utopian Island, Arizona State University, Tempe
III Biennal Barro de America Roberto Guevara, Museo A. Otero, Caracas
Dak’Art ‘98, la Biennale d’Art africain contemporain, Dakar (Senegal)
Objectivity: International Objects of Subjectivity, Contemporary Art Center of Virginia, Virginia Beach
VI Bienal de La Habana, Castillo del Morro, La Habana
Asi esta la cosa: instalacion y arte objeto en America Latina, Centro Cultural Arte Contemporaneo A. C., Fundacion Cultural Televisa, Mexico
No place (Like home), Walker Art Center Minneapolis, Minneapolis*
Truce: Echoes of Art in an Age of Endless Conclusion, cur. da Francesco Bonami, Site Santa Fe Biennial, Site Santa Fe, New Mexico *
Trash, Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto*
The Edge of Awareness, World Health Organization, Genève* (mostra itinerante)*
Controfigura, Studio Guenzani, Milano
Interzones, Uppsala Konstmoseum, Copenhagen*
Inclusion:Exclusion, Steirischer Herbst, Reininghaus und Künstlerhaus, Graz*
Container 96, Art across Oceans, Copenhagen
Sin Fronteras. Arte Latinoamericano Actual, Museo A. Otero, Caracas*
Cuba Siglo XX. Modernidad y Sincretismo, Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas; Centro de Arte Santa Monica, Barcelona*
Les Cent Jours d’Art Contemporain de Montreal, Centre International d’Art Contemporain de Montréal, Canada*
De Rode Poor, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Gent, Belgium
Zonder Woorden, Van Reekum Museum, Apeldoorn, Baesi Bassi
* Mostra con catalogo
Museo Nacional Palacio de Bellas Artes, La Habana, Cuba
Galleria Barbara Gladstone, New York
Museum Of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Museum Of Modern Art, New York
University of Arizona, USA
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA
Collezione Peter Norton
International Center of Contemporary Art , Montreal, Canada
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spagna
Fondo ARCO, Madrid, Spagna
Fundación Pilar y Joan Miro, Mallorca, Spagna
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo per l’Arte, Torino
Studio Guenzani, Milano
Galerie National de Jeu De Paume, Parigi
Atelier Calder, Tours, Francia
Stiftung Ludwig, Aachen, Germania
Stiftung Ludwig, Colonia, Germania
Museum Van Reekum, Apendoorn, Olanda
Israel Museum, Gerusalemme
Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Sofia Imber, Caracas, Venezuela
Fundación Cultural Televisa, Città del Messico
Gallery Gan, Tokyo
Kwang-Ju Museum, Corea
Diego Sileo, Giacomo Zaza, “Cuba. Tatuare la storia”, Silvana Editoriale, July 2016
Alberdi Benitez, Virginia, New York to Cuban art Window, Granma Newspaper, June 2011
AIN, “The work of the Cuban Lam lives full energy”, Granma Newspaper, December 2011
Wilfredo Lam artworks shown at the Museum of the Slave Route
Wirfredo Lam, an Act of Decolonization
Kcho. Recent artworks, Marlborough Gallery, Monaco
Living in Havana, by Corina Matamoros, Marlborough Gallery, Chelsea
Final Monument, by Vittorio Sgarbi and Luciano Caprile, Torcular
Martinez Hernandez, Leticia, “Joy Brigade”, Granma Newspaper, Apr. 2010
Martinez Hernandez, Leticia, “To heal the wounds of the soul”, Granma Newspaper, Apr. 2010
Ian Urbina “Havana Bienal, in which Chelsea takes a field trip to Cuba”, The new York Times, Apr. 1, 2009
Alas con Puntas (Pointed Wings). International Press Center’s Gallery, Havana Cuba
Eduard M. Gomez. “Caribbean Cri de Coeur: Struggling, isolated and often overlooked, Cuba’s contemporary artists stake their calm in a globalized world. Art & Antiques, pp.70-80. illustrated p.72
Anonymous. Latin American Art- Fernando Botero, Claudio Bravo, Kcho, Julio Larraz, Tomas Sanchez, Rufino Tamayo. New York: Malborough Gallery
Alberto Barral.”Kcho: Galeria Marlborough”, Art Nexus, pp. 113-134 illustrated, p.113
Natania Remba. Surrounded by Water: Expressions of Freedom and Isolation in Contemporary Cuban Art. Lunenburg: The Stinehour Press with Boston University, Boston, Massachussets.
Damian, Carol and Jorge Santis. Sin Rupturas/Unbroken Ties: Dialogles in Cuban Art. Fort Lauderdale: Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, 2008
Tiziana Conti, Kcho, recensione, TEMA CELESTE, n. 90, mar/aprile, p. 101
Eduardo Costa, “Kcho at Barbara Gladstone”, ART IN AMERICA, Aprile
Rosa Lowinger, “Making Waves”, ARTNEWS, volume 99/n. 6, giugno
Marilyn A. Zeitel,”Cuba. L’Isola del desiderio”, TEMA CELESTE, Gentile.-Feb.
Geraldine Bretauld, “KCHO”, BEAUX ARTS, dicembre
Mariuccia Casadio, “Tenemos mas”, VOGUE ITALIA, n. 574, giugno
Arte Cubano, “Sexta Bienal de La Habana”, n°1 speciale
Eugenio Valdés Figueroa, “Art in Cuba”, FLASH ART INT. n° 192, January-February
Lars Bang Larsen, “Interzones”, FLASH ART INT. n° 192, January-February
Kellie Jones, interview, in No place (like home), Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
Francesco Bonami, “No place (like home)”, FLASH ART INT., n° 195, summer
Julie Caniglia, “No place (like home)”, ARTFORUM, n° 10, summer
Alma Ruiz, “Todo Cambia”, in P. Schimmel e A. Ruiz “Kcho, Todo Cambia”, MOCA, Los Angeles
Soo Jin Kim, “Kcho”, ART ISSUES, n°50, novembre-dicembre 1997
Lawrence Chua, “Kwangju Biennale”, FRIEZE n° 27, March-April
Francesco Bonami, “Biennale di Corea”, FLASH ART ITALIA n° 196, febr.-marzo
Michael Kimmelman, “Kcho” (review), THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 5
Peter Schjeldahl, “The Floating World”, VILLAGE VOICE, April 16
Jen Budney, “Kcho. No Place Like Home”, FLASH ART INT. n° 188, May-June
Laura Hoptman, “Laura Hoptman visits the studio of Kcho”, TRANS> n° 2
Teresa Macrì, “La grande onda di un isolano”, IL MANIFESTO, 11 luglio
Francesca Pasini, “Il mare cubano dell’arte povera”, LIBERAZIONE, 9 agosto
Giovanni Di Costa, review, FLASH ART ITALIA n° 200, Ottobre-Novembre
Pierre Restany, “Emergenti: Una rivelazione cubana”, DOMUS n° 788, Dicembre
Barry Schwabsky, “Kcho. Barbara Gladstone Gallery”, ARTFORUM, n°10, summer 1996, pp. 71