Louise Lawler
Louise Lawler – No Drones
25/09/2014 - 20/12/2014
No Drones
Con No Drones, l’artista continua la sua complessa indagine sulle funzioni che l’opera d’arte assume nei contesti in cui viene presentata. Il forte rigore della composizione e l’equilibrio delle forme, caratteristico delle sue fotografie, emergono ancora più chiaramente in questi ultimi lavori dove la struttura diventa protagonista dell’immagine. Private del colore e ingrandite di formato in modo da adattarsi allo spazio, le nuove immagini che Louise Lawler ci presenta sono una dimostrazione di quanto possano ancora essere aperte e innovative le modalità di indagine dell’immagine contemporanea. Le due sale principali della galleria ospitano delle immagini in bianco e nero stampate su vinile e incollate direttamente sulle pareti dello spazio espositivo. I traced works non sono altro che gli outline delle immagini più celebri dell’artista: opere d’arte fotografate nei musei, nelle collezioni private, nelle case d’asta e nei depositi. Per produrre questi lavori Louise Lawler ha lavorato in collaborazione con l’autore di libri per bambini, illustratore e artista Jon Buller con il quale sono state reinterpretate molte delle fotografie più famose dell’artista americana. In mostra saranno presenti anche alcune opere uniche colorate a mano da Louise Lawler.
Louise Lawler è nata nel 1947 a Bronxville (New York). Vive e lavora a New York.
Ha pertecipato ad importanti mostre collettive come “The Picture Generation: 1974 – 1984”, al Metropolitan Museum of Art, Documenta 12 e a tre Biennali di Whitney. Tra le mostre personali: Museum Ludwig, Colonia; Albertinum, Dresda; Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio; Dia: Beacon, New York; Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC; Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basilea; e Portikus, Francoforte. Le sue opere sono presenti in prestigiose collezioni: Art Institute di Chicago; Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Fondation Cartier, Paris; Glenstone Foundation, Potomac, Maryland; Guggenheim Museum, New York; Jumex Collection, Mexico City; Kunstmuseum Basilea; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; e al Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
ORARI: dal martedì al sabato, dalle 15.00 alle 19.30
Per maggiori informazioni contattare info@studioguenzani.it
The artist continues her complex research on the work of art functions in its own environment.
Lawler’s pictures of artworks installed in private collectors houses, museums and storage exemplifies the importance of the contextual component for the mimetic structure of an artwork.
Our attention is deviated from the artwork to its environment opening up our understanding of the art institution.
In “No Drones” Louise Lawler shows a selection of works from her latest series: in the main gallery’s rooms black lining, tracing existing photographs of Lawler are executed in vinyl and directly applied to the wall. These traced works were conceived together with children’s book author, illustrator and artist Jon Buller. The artist revisits older pictures as a sort of appropriation of her own work. The tracing exist as a digital file that can be printed and reprinted on any format, depending the size of the wall on which it will be applied.
The relation of these works with the exhibition space illustrates the artist’s continous reflection on art and its structures and how innovative the research on contemporary photography could already be.
This exhibition will present also some unique works on paper, hand coloured by Louise Lawler.
Louise Lawler was born in 1947 in Bronxville (New York). She lives and works in New York.
Louise Lawler has participated in significant group exhibitions such as “The Pictures Generation: 1974-1984” at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Documenta 12 and three Whitney Biennials. She has had one-person exhibitions at Museum Ludwig, Cologne; Albertinum, Dresden; Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio; Dia: Beacon, New York; Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC; Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel; and Portikus, Frankfurt. Her work is represented in the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago; Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Fondation Cartier, Paris; Glenstone Foundation, Potomac, Maryland; Guggenheim Museum, New York; Jumex Collection, Mexico City; Kunstmuseum Basel; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Hours: Monday to Saturday from 3pm to 7.30pm. Morning only by appointment.
For further informations please contact info@studioguenzani.it
immagine/image: Louise Lawler, Chandelier (traced and pianted), Second, 2001-2007/2013-2014.
Courtesy Studio Guenzani Milano